1 min read

Aim to keep your shower to under four-minutes to minimise water heating and usage costs. Installing an efficient shower head can save you even more water!

A four-minute shower can help you cut water and energy use in the bathroom by 40 per cent.

Save Water

Showers and baths account for about 30 per cent of household water use. 

Shorter showers can save 52,000 to 81,000 litres of water annually.* This represents a saving of $118-$184*. 

Installing efficient shower heads can save up to 79,000 litres of water annually.** This represents a saving of up to $179.

1 Assumes a 4-person household taking one shower per day. Lower value savings assume water efficient showerhead (3-star). Upper value saving assume water inefficient showerhead

2 Assumes replacing old showerhead (18L/minute) with a 3-star option (9L/minute). Assumes use in home occupied by 4 people, with each person taking 6 minute shower, with gas hot water heating.*Assumes a 4-person household taking one shower per day. Lower value savings assume water efficient showerhead (3-star) with gas hot water service. Upper value saving assume water inefficient showerhead with electric heating.

52kL @ $2.276 = $118

81kL @ $2.276 = $184

79kL @ $2.276 = $179

A shower timer will help you stay on track.


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