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Lot 5218
White Rock QLD
Providence East, nestled on the eastern edge of Providence Central, is a premium precinct perfectly positioned between the future green spine and propsed District Park. With easy access to Lucas Drive and the Centenary Highway, it offers seamless connectivity to amenities. Proposed features like future Town Centre, childcare, sports field, and schools make it ideal for a vibrant lifestyle.
Key Features:
- Sustainable Living: Urban design focused on sustainability and circular economy initiatives.
- Active Lifestyle: 140km of proposed walking and cycling paths within Providence.
- Parks and Recreation: 10 parks already delivered, with more to come.
- Family-Friendly: Local schools (Prep to Year 12) and childcare facilities nearby.
- Convenient Location: Easy access from 6 Amity Way (off Centenary Hwy), South Ripley Qld.
Lot 5218