
Stockland Wetherill Park is BindiMapped

Now you can find your way around Stockland Wetherill Park quickly and easily with BindiMaps, an iPhone app that provides indoor wayfinding and navigation. 

To use BindiMaps, just download it from the Apple App Store and open it inside the Centre. The app will quickly tell you where you are. Then you can search for and choose a destination and BindiMaps will guide you straight there. 

Although anyone can use BindiMaps, the app is optimised for use by people who are blind or vision impaired. It has a natural language audio system that guides users to their destinations using the phone’s VoiceOver system. 

Stockland Wetherill Park is the first major shopping centre to install this innovative technology, which is also installed in university campuses and public buildings in Sydney and elsewhere around Australia. 

Try out BindiMaps now and explore Stockland Wetherill Park in a whole new way!