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Swimwear To Suit Every Man

Category: fashion and beauty

Look your best on the beach!



We’re forever reading articles about flattering bikinis and female body positivity. But what about the guys? It’s easy to fall in to the stereotype of the single style of men’s swimwear we see each Summer. But did you know that even the slightest difference in cut can transform the way you look and feel? Welcome to a world where men’s fashion extends to the ocean and find the perfect piece to suit both your shape and style.


Board shorts:


Undoubtedly the most popular form of swimming attire, the humble board shorts make an appearance in every aqua setting. From lap pools to lakes, there’s always sure to be a sighting (or twenty). But what shape do they suit? Believe it or not, tall, slim men will find them to be the best fit. The knee-length style diverts attention from long legs and instead provides welcome shape to the lower-half.




Before you scoff at the thought of old-school, high-cut shorts, take a moment to check out the new era in men’s swimwear. Mid-thigh-length swimming trunks are making a comeback in the best possible way. Available in a range of cool new colours, and comfortable as ever, prepare to exude confidence this Summer. Most complementary on shorter, stockier men, trunks create the illusion of longer legs. Opt for a non-tailored, drawstring style for an even more relaxed feel.




This iconic Australian item needs no introduction. Known around the world under a bevy of humorous names, but most aptly referred to as Speedos, briefs are by far this smallest piece of men’s swimwear. Ever since the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games, Speedos have been synonymous with swimming. As they were intended, they lend themselves to more athletic builds, highlighting muscle definition.