
Stockland demonstrates commitment to its Forster shopping centre, the community, and local businesses in new car park upgrade project

Following customer feedback, from August 2022, works will commence on the Stockland Forster car park to ensure customers can enter, navigate within and exit Stockland carparks safely and conveniently.

Upgrades include re-linemarking the car park and rolling out directional arrows, making it easier and safer to find a spot and park. Accessible parking and specialty bays, such as Parents with Prams, Seniors, Click-and-Collect and Express Parking will be easier to find. Dedicated walkways will be provided for pedestrian safety, additional trolley bays installed and new wheel stops added to improve safety when parking. New signage to improve navigation and accessibility, upgraded lighting throughout the car park and refreshed landscaping will also be added to enhance the overall look and feel.

Whilst works are underway, we're committed to minimising disruption to retailers and customers. Throughout the site works program, public parking, pedestrian access to the Centre and access for tenant deliveries will continue to be maintained.

Careful consideration has been given to staging the works to ensure that any inconvenience with parking is minimised. These stages have been broken into five and start from August 2022:

• Stage one: Main entry

• Stage two: Woolworths

• Stage three: Aldi

• Stage four: Bunning Warehouse

• Stage five: Coles

 Updates to timing on each stage will be updated here regularly to keep our customers and community informed.

We thank everyone for their patience as we work to deliver these improvements to our centre. Whilst construction is underway, please reach out to the following key contacts in the first instance to direct your enquiries:

For general inquiries: please contact Centre Management at 6554 5044, during trading hours

 Stockland Forster 

Stockland Forster, where construction works will commence on the car park to ensure customers can enter, navigate within and exit car parks safely and conveniently. 

Frequently asked questions:

When will the works take place?

Stage one works are planned to commence in August 2022

Why are works being undertaken at Stockland Forster?

Stockland takes feedback from customers seriously. The carpark at Stockland Forster has been identified for improvement to enhance the customer experience to improve ease, navigation, accessibility and convenience for our customers and the community.

When will the works be completed?

Civil works are anticipated to be completed around mid 2023

What will be done to minimise the noise?

We will aim to mitigate noise where possible.

Are there larger redevelopments planned for the centre?

There are no large developments planned for Stockland Forster at this stage.

What does this mean for customer parking during construction?

Stockland is committed to continually improving the customer experience at its retail town centres. The carpark at Stockland Forster has been identified for improvement to help the community access the centre safely and conveniently. Works will be staged so that there is minimal disruption to customer parking during construction

Will accessible parking still be available during the works?

Yes, accessible parking for our customers and community will be retained during the car park works. Some accessible parking bays may be relocated a short distance while we work on upgrading these bays.

Will Click & Collect zones be affected?

There will be temporary short term changes to traffic conditions however access to click and collect for customers will remain.

How do the works benefit customers?

Car parks have been identified as an important customer experience initiative as it is important for our customers to enter, navigate within and exit our carparks safely and conveniently. The carpark at Stockland Forster is planned to enhance the customer experience, improving ease, navigation, accessibility and convenience for our customers and the community.

Will car parking spaces be reduced?

Sections of carpark will be closed during the works, and these will change throughout the project. Every endeavour will be made to ensure there is as minimal impact as possible.

Will under cover parking or shade sails be included as part of this car park upgrade?

Under cover parking will not be introduced to Stockland Forster at this stage, however upcoming works Woolworths are undertaking will include shade sails. To ensure that accessibility to the centre is improved, we have included measures which include ensuring accessible parking and specialty bays such as Parents with Prams are easier to find, dedicated pedestrian walkways are introduced, along with upgraded lighting and improved signage throughout the car park to help navigate within the car park safely.