
Get ready to create the garden of your dreams.

3 min
13 December 2018

Creativity plays a big part in a gardens overall look and feel. As a first home buyer, once you settle on your dream home, you’ll essentially have free reign to do as you please in your garden. So pop on your creative cap, trawl Pinterest for inspiration, and get ready to create the garden of your dreams.


For some first home buyers however, having to look after or design a garden may be overwhelming. If you find yourself in this position, there are so many resources available that will provide you with the information you need to build your own garden.


One aspect of garden design that is proving to be popular with first home buyers is the idea of having a garden that is self sufficient, or low maintenance. This concept is perfect for those who don’t have the time to tend to a garden, lack knowledge around gardening, or simply don’t want to have to worry about it.

Now keep in mind, you don’t need to go all out. A classic, minimalist garden looks just as great as a more extravagant one, without the hefty price tag. And as a first home buyer, we understand that money is often at the forefront of your mind.

But there are some really effective ways to ensure your garden always looks great, without consuming too much of your time, energy, and most importantly, your money.

Pavers, pebbles, stone, wooden accents, sculptures, water features, and grass are just some of the materials you can utilise within your garden, depending on the space you have to work with.

For smaller areas with minimal grass, make the most of the available space by placing sculptures in amongst plants and flowers to enhance the feel of your garden, without taking up too much room.

Adding pavers, either as a walkway through your garden or from your back door to a tranquil seating area can really bring together the overall vibe of your garden. 

Flex your creative muscles

If you’re fortunate to have more space to work with, this is where you can really flex your creative muscles. Include a water feature, a bird bath, or a wooden canopy to house an outdoor setting, or perhaps fill the gaps between pavers with beautiful pebbles and Mondo grass.

The possibilities are endless when you have your own garden. As a first home buyer, having the freedom to create an outdoor space you can be truly proud of is something that initially might take a little bit of time, but you’ll be able to enjoy it for years to come.