
Chef Miguel Maestre's Launch of 'Your Community Pantry' Cookbook

01 April 2022

To celebrate the launch of 'Your Community Pantry' cookbook, we were joined by celebrity chef Miguel Maestre who whipped up a delicious Paella for the residents who contributed a recipe to the cookbook.

It was most definitely a hit with residents smiling ear to ear as they enjoyed the masterpiece. Recipes were shared by residents of Elara, Willowdale, The Gables and Altrove who have brought our communities closer together through their love of food.

Download 'Your Community Pantry' here and start creating delicious dinners today!

For every recipe contributed by a resident, Stockland donated $60 to Foodbank, raising over $4020 for the food relief charity and feeding over 8000 people.

Watch Miguel Maestre celebrate this launch with his perfect Paella.

See images from our wonderful event below.

Thank you to all those who contributed.