
Housing diversity welcomed in local communities, according to new research commissioned by Property Council WA.

2 min
27 November 2020

The recently released Close to Home report lays out the latest findings of research into attitudes towards urban density in the Perth community, the first report to quantify Western Australians sentiment about increasing housing choice in established suburbs.

The Property Council WA announced the report findings onsite at Canopy, with Executive Director, Sandra Brewer, saying the survey debunked some of the conventional wisdom about attitudes towards density. 

“Uncovering what really matters to the community, and bridging that gap in understanding around the benefits density can deliver, is a major step forward in this process.” Said Ms Brewer.

An earlier report in the research series, It Takes a Village: Density, Diversity and the new Australian Dream, found many Perth residents valued the benefits and quality-of-life spinoffs delivered by density – including safety, being able to easily get around, a sense of community and affordability.

Close to Home builds on those findings, surveying a broad cross-section of 1,200 Perth residents to develop a clearer picture of the way Western Australians feel about increasing density.

The key findings from the Close To Home report include:

• Support for medium density was strongly tied to perceived improvements to safety, transport and mobility, housing affordability and diversity of stock, vibrant local retailers and sense of community.

• Safety was identified as a top priority, with more than 80% believing urban density improved safety in the community.

• Developing townhouses and boutique apartment projects in existing suburbs, or in newer suburbs on the outskirts of the metropolitan area, is seen as the best way to deliver medium density living in Perth.

• Three quarters of Western Australians agree that planning policy must prioritise retaining tree canopy, and bushland on the fringes of the city.

• Townhouses (55 per cent) and medium height apartments (50 per cent) were the top two preferred types of medium density from several options presented.

The report findings highlight that Western Australians understand the lifestyle benefits that medium density offers. They are embracing modern housing options, and want the opportunity to choose from a range of diverse and well-designed offerings in established suburbs.  

At Canopy, Glendalough, there’s no need to make the choice between an apartment near the city or more space further away. With a choice of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom terrace homes, each with their own parking, outdoor space and plenty of communal green areas, residents can enjoy the best of worlds in a suburb close to home.

View Close to Home Report