
Students at Marsden Park showcase their newfound robotics knowledge!

1 min
02 August 2018

The very talented Marsden Park Primary School students held a Lego exhibition as part of their final presentation of a four-month program which combines science, technology, engineering, arts and maths (STEAM) subjects.

Students demonstrated their new-found knowledge of robotics learnt during the program which was funded by Stockland.

The program developed when Bee on the Team (BOTT) visited the school earlier this year and delivered an performance by professional actors from the National Theatre for Children. The students were encourage to engage with the STEAM content through storytelling, improvisational comedy and audience interaction.

Penny Austin, Stockland Sustainability Manager, congratulated the Marsden park pupils for running such an “excellent exhibition”, adding “it’s fantastic to see the enthusiasm and creativity that has resulted from their learning experiences.”

“Their work demonstrates that the BOTT program has been a huge success in fostering innovation and helping to educate students in the importance of STEAM based learning”. 


Full article by the Hawskebury Gazette can be viewed here.