
Schools across Australia are currently participating in the 2021 Big Battery Rescue recycling challenge, sponsored by Stockland in partnership with The National Theatre for Children.

5 min
15 July 2021

Local school, St Clare’s Catholic School are currently participating in this year’s challenge which sees each school receive a free educational program, as well as workbooks, teacher guides and more!

Australians create 3,300 tonnes of lithium-ion battery waste each year and that figure grows by 20 per cent yearly, largely driven by a lack of education or available resources explaining how consumers can dispose of them correctly.

Sponsored by Stockland and in collaboration with The National Theatre for Children, the Big Battery Rescue provides a solution to this growing challenge, teaching school kids about closing the loop and fostering sustainable recycling habits. Despite the impact of COVID, schools across the country together collected nearly one tonne of batteries in 2020, diverting these away from landfill to be recycled.

David Franklin, Stockland Senior Development Manager at Stockland, said initiatives like Big Battery Rescue helped create meaningful change within Stockland communities.

“As one of Australia’s largest property developers and a world leader in sustainability, we’re always looking for new ways to offset our climate impact, and educate our residents – big and small – along the way.

“The Big Battery Rescue recycling challenge is a terrific community-wide sustainability project and one of the many Stockland initiatives working towards achieving our Net Zero Carbon emissions target by 2028.”

All participating schools also receive a free educational program, including live-in-school educational theatre performances of The Energized Guyz and The Battery Bandit by professional actors from The National Theatre for Children. Schools also receive student workbooks, teacher guides, infographic posters and digital games and activities that align with the important educational concepts.

Fore more information visit here