
Meeting Place mural

16 June 2023

Stockland Rockhampton acknowledges the proud Darumbal People as the Traditional Custodians and are honoured to have Indigenous artist, Brandon Butler, from Gaba Art, commission a mural titled 'Meeting Place'.

Meeting Place Story
You are standing on Darumbal Nunthi (country), in a place that the traditional custodians have gathered for many generations. The waterways that flow under this centre have given life to all that surround the area.

Meeting places are important in Aboriginal culture. Meeting places were a home of sharing stories, song, dance, trade, and Traditional Ceremony. Stockland now is a Meeting place for all who live and roam on Darumbal Nunthi.

The Darumbal People have been caring for this country for thousands of years and today they continue to do so through Yadaba (respect) for their People, Nunthi (country), Language, Culture, and Traditional Lore. As you travel on this Nunthi (country), treat it with Yadaba (respect). Have Yadaba and care for yourself, the country, the animals, your family, and your community. For if you have Yadaba for Nunthi, Nunthi will have Yadaba for you.

Mural Story
The gathering in the centre of the mural displays the coming together within this meeting place, living and providing for each other. The Kangaroo, Emu, Barramundi and Crocodile have been incorporated in the mural to display significant animals to the area of this meeting place.

The first layer of the mural is crosshatching to demonstrate strength and unity within the community. Tunuba (Fitzroy River) runs through the artwork to show connection to the land, as Stockland Rockhampton is surrounded by the connecting waterways of Tunuba. The Yugu (water lily) is the TOTEM of, and a sacred plant to, the Darumbal people. The Yugu lily pad represents the four main clan groups of Darumbal Nation; They are the Kuinmabra, the Tarumbul the Nindybul and the Warabal clan. These four clan groups are displayed throughout the four visible lily pads in the mural.

Indigenous mural artist
About The Artist
Born and currently based in Rockhampton, Brandon Butler, is a proud Aboriginal and South Sea Islander man. His Cultural Background includes; Gooreng Gooreng, Gurang, Gunggarri, Gangalu, Iman, 1st Nation Australian and South Sea Islander (Tanna Island, Vanuatu).

He has a strong cultural connection to the land and is passionate about sharing this through his art. He is a local, national and international artist and enjoys both visual and performing indigenous arts.

CLICK HERE to find out more about Gaba Art.

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