Environmental Commitments

At Stockland, we are committed to ensuring the ecological values of the Pumicestone Passage and the surrounding Coochin Creek catchment are protected. We have been an active member of the Pumicestone Catchment Network since it was formed in 2011 to develop the Pumicestone Passage Catchment Plan. We have also worked closely with land and water groups to identify and optimise opportunities for community management of natural areas within our communities.

Fast Facts

Aura South has no coastal frontage and comprises 1% of the Pumicestone Passage catchment. Extensive water modelling and investigations demonstrate Aura South can be developed to protect the water quality values of the Pumicestone Passage
Up to 400ha (one-third of the site) of degraded land to be protected and rehabilitated to improve regional biodiversity values
Our vision is for Aura South to contribute towards the creation of a nature positive, future and low carbon community
Rehabilitation programs will be designed to protect, restore and enhance the site's on-site and off-site environmental values

Protecting the Pumicestone Passage

Extensive water modelling and investigations undertaken demonstrate that Aura South can be developed to protect the water quality values of the Pumicestone Passage.

The site has a number of physical attributes which make it suitable for future urban development.

  • Aura South is situated in a self-contained catchment with no upstream influences
    The primary catchment drains to an on-site 140ha wetland. Any on-site water leaving this wetland will travel 4.5kms along Halls Creek before entering Halls Bay, one of the widest sections of the Pumicestone Passage that has strong tidal movement to the ocean.
  • Aura South has no coastal frontage
    The developable area within the site is situated 3 kms to the west of the Pumicestone Passage.
  • Flood-free
    The majority of the proposed developable area (approximately 800ha) is flood-free, resilient to coastal storm surges and is not impacted by climate change projections.

Best Practice Water Quality Treatments
Stockland intends to adopt world-leading Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) initiatives and construction management practices to ensure the Pumicestone Passage is protected.


Enhancing Local and Regional Biodiversity

The future development of Aura South has the potential to create a regionally significant environmental legacy for the region. Our vision is for Aura South to be a nature positive, low carbon future community.

Limited environmental values

As a former pine plantation, the land has been degraded, with more than 85% of the land cleared over 50 years ago. It is currently being used for low-grade grazing.

Significant rehabilitation planned to restore environmental values lost during forestry era

If approved for future development, plans include rehabilitating up to 400ha of degraded land including the site’s existing 140ha Melaleuca wetland.

One-third of site to be protected

Future plans include rehabilitating and protecting more than one-third of the site which will provide an additional buffer to the Pumicestone Passage, strengthen local and regional biodiversity values and create an ecological corridor to restore local habitat and fauna connectivity.


For more information and updates about Aura South